Ten years of IN RESIDENCE!

Launch of the Tenth IN RESIDENCE. Artists at Barcelona Schools
This year, we celebrate ten years of IN RESIDENCE, a programme that links contemporary art with secondary schools in Barcelona.
This tenth edition, which will run from 25 September 2018 to 21 June 2019, reflects the consolidation of a trajectory that, year after year, confronts new challenges.
- At 24 secondary schools. This year, 24 ESO compulsory secondary education schools in Barcelona are taking part. The participating schools are selected through a call for proposals.
- With the participation of 40 artists and collectives from the fields of the visual arts, the live arts, dramaturgical creation, music and sound research, literary creation, circus and movement.
- With 48 teachers linked to the residencies. Two teachers are attached to each residency, taking part in all processes related to its development.
- In cooperation with 13 liaison teams (curatorial and coordination), which accompany each creative process at the participating schools. Five new teams have joined this years, in addition to those introduced since 2009 (A Bao A Qu, which has cooperated on designing the programme since the first IN RESIDENCE; El Graner – Mercat de les Flors; Sala Beckett / Obrador Internacional de Dramatúrgia; Fundació Joan Miró; Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya; L’Afluent; MACBA; La Central del Circ; and L’Antic Teatre). The five new teams are: Experimentem amb l’Art, La Caldera, La Poderosa, L’Escola Bloom and Teatre Lliure.
- With 410 pupils directly involved and a community under construction: each residency directly involves a group of fifteen to twenty young ESO compulsory secondary education pupils between the ages of twelve and sixteen. These teenagers are actively involved and have a say in the development of all processes related to the residency, from initial idea to materialisation and public presentation. Moreover, throughout the course, the residencies encourage the participation of other pupils and other groups, multiplying the impact of IN RESIDENCE. Over these first ten editions, an IN RESIDENCE community of around 3,000 people has grown up, formed by pupils, teachers, artists, liaison teams and followers of the programme.
- Supporting the Neighbourhood Plan. Over the last three years, particular care has been taken to include schools located in the priority action areas established in Barcelona City Council’s Neighbourhood Plan. In this year’s programme, six of the twenty-four schools are in these priority areas.
- Vila Casas Foundation and Born CCM join the programme. This year, the Born Centre for Culture and Memory (Born CCM) and the Vila Casas Foundation are added to a list of consolidated programme partners that already includes Poetry Week, the Design Museum, the Frederic Marès Museum and Barcelona UNESCO City of Literature. The collaboration with Born CCM will help to extend and raise the profile of links between contemporary art and the urban memory, while that with the Vila Casas will expand the programme’s relations with the city’s contemporary art system, particularly with the Can Framis Museum of Contemporary Painting (Poblenou).
By the end of this tenth celebration of the programme, a total of 101 residencies will have been organised at 42 schools in the city. This figure represents two-thirds of all the state compulsory secondary education schools in Barcelona.
This Tenth IN RESIDENCE will be an expanded edition, aimed at raising the profile of the programme’s role in creating links between culture and education and combating cultural inequalities through three initiatives:
- An exhibition, which will also serve as the venue for the presentation of this year’s residencies (2018-2019). The show will be open at Fabra i Coats – Art Centre from March to June 2019.
- A conference devoted to the links between culture, education and contemporary art, which will take place at the exhibition venue in March 2019.
- A publication on the 101 residencies, with a first volume focusing on the 77 organised over the first nine years and a second devoted to the 24 “live” residencies in this tenth edition.
The 24 residencies in the Tenth IN RESIDENCE (September 2018 - June 2019) are as follows:
Antoni Abad at Institute Poeta Maragall
Serafín Álvarez at Institute Milà i Fontanals
Nora Ancarola and Marga Ximénez at Institute Escola Antaviana
Max Besora at Institute Doctor Puigvert
Constanza Brnčić at Institute Josep Comas i Solà
Ro Caminal at Institute Lluís Domènech i Montaner
Cristina Checa at Institute Martí Pous
Joan Colomo at Institute Maria Espinalt
Fito Conesa at Institute Príncep de Girona
En Diciembre at Institute Joan Fuster
Sergi Faüstino at Institute Escola Costa i Llobera
La Kompanyia Lliure y Anna Serrano at Institute Montjuïc
Agnès Mateus y Quim Tarrida at Institute Quatre Cantons
Pau Miró at Institute Moisès Broggi
Misióndivina at Institute Joan Boscà
Bruno Ollé at Institute Narcís Monturiol
Clàudia Pagès at Institute Jaume Balmes
Agnès Pe at Institute Vall d’Hebron
Alberto Peral at Institute La Guineueta
Mònica Planes at Institute Joan Manuel Zafra
Adrian Schindler at Institute Verdaguer
Mercè Soler at Institute Menéndez y Pelayo
Txalo Toloza and Laida Azkona at Institute Pau Claris
Andrés Waksman at Institute Barri Besòs
+ information in the presentation dossier for the Tenth IN RESIDENCE. Download
+ group photography. Launch of the 10th EDITION. La Virreina, 20-09-2018. Download