Until the 8th of May! Open invitation from the Teatre Lliure to participate in the next edition of EN RESiDÈNCiA!

Along with the team of the Teatre Lliure, we have decided to conduct a pilot trial to select a creator to carry out a creation process in the next edition of EN RESiDÈNCiA. You will find the rules in this link. The invitation will be open until the 8th of May, and it forms part of the series of the Teatre Lliure’s calls for support for creation.
The Teatre Lliure has formed part of the EN RESiDÈNCiA mediation team since the tenth edition (2018-2019) of the programme. To date, it has taken charge of the creation processes of Anna Serrano (Institut Montjuïc), Magda Puig (Institut Joan Fuster), Marc Vilanova (Institut Maria Espinalt) and David Franch (Institut Escola Eixample).