Adrian Vega IN RESiDENCE at the School Maria Espinalt

What is choreography? What is dance? Am I dancing? Why do I dance? When did I begin to dance like this? These are questions that always accompany me when I delve into a work. The intrinsic motivation to dance is what increasingly guides me in the moment of composing and from there my desires appear on stage.

What are your inspirations? Do they dance? What do they think about dance? What idea do they have about choreography? What will this process be like? How can I make your concerns appear on stage?

I would like to start this process with us getting to know each other, gaining trust and learning collectively. Prioritising the process over the result, as the process will inevitably lead to the result.

In this composition I want to work dance in relation to the space, the game and the individual and collective relationships, to be able to reach the concerns of each of them.



I express:

Individual dance

Collective dance

Social dance

Urban dance

Contemporary dance

Playful dance

No dance

Dance of feet

Dance of hands

Dance of knees

Dance of elbows

Dance in painting

Dance in geometry

Dance in geography

Dance in choreography

Dance in the mobile

Dance at home

Dance in literature

Dance in the process

Dance on stage

#inResidence dance