- 14th EDITION 2022 / 2023
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- 1st EDITION 2009 / 2010
Alícia Casadesús IN RESiDENCE at the School Jaume Balmes

Alícia Casadesús, (L’Esquirol,1968) is a visual artist. The work that defines her career often speaks about the site, through reflection and perception of the place where this is set, whether rural, urban or online.
In her own words, “I let myself become imbued with its breath and then think about it, meditate on it, and create… I live art as an inextricable part of life. As a way of being, looking, thinking and telling the world. Telling it in a slow way, a bit against the flow of how we normally experience the world… In each work, the piece gradually becomes more and more firmly grounded in the territory in which it lives. I penetrate the path, I tell its substance.”
For some time now, her concerns have revolved around the way we look at art, and at life in general, and that is why the way the work is shown becomes a cause for reflection and part of its very content.
She has often worked with poets and artists engaged in other discipline, sharing gazes. Casadesús once more:
“Telling evanescence and durability; telling light, gesture, relations, the substances of things. Telling nature.
“I do so close to silence, trying to give the spectator a silence too, amid the roaring turmoil of the society we live in.”
The result is work that comes close to poetry and is created in order to be lived, felt and thought. Her pieces are often ephemeral, made and unmade in the place for which they are created, and lasting only in the spectators that formed part of them, and in publications devoted to them.
Biography written in 2017
Alícia Casadesús’s Residency at Institut Jaume Balmes will include the participation of Antoni Clapés.
Antoni Clapés (Sabadell, 1948) is an author who has written about poetry and texts related to poetry and art since 1964. He has published around two dozen books and countless texts for art books, prologues, pamphlets and anthologies. His work is a meditation on being and the future (silence, writing, language, time, memory), becoming an exploration of these themes, and on light, in both the physical and the metaphysical sense.
Alícia Casadesús and Antoni Clapés have worked closely together for the last four years. The correspondence between the two artists resulted in a piece entitled Microgrames.
School Jaume Balmes
http://www.jaumebalmes.net/Jaume Balmes participates for the second time at IN RESIDENCE, and does so with a group of 4th ESO students.
Founded in 1845, the Jaume Balmes School is the oldest secondary school in Barcelona and one of the oldest educational institutions in the city's history. It has been located in the Eixample district, at the crossroads of Pau Claris and Consell de Cent, since 1942.
Presentation updated in September 2024
Students 4th of ESO:
Yasmin Belart Guirao, Roger Bonet Segalés, Sofia Caner i Montané, Maria Casanovas Buliart, Martina Cerdà Valls, Nora Ferrer Narpal, Mia De Freitas Moussali, Patricia Gades Garcia, Maria Guerrero Carrasco, Claudia Harris Expósito, Eira Jaimejuan Fernández, Marina Junquera Orozco, Pau Manjon Ferrer, Maria Milosevic Ilic, Guillem Onrubia Roig, Mariana Picola Viñuales, Julián Puig Guevara, Nando Tellechea De la Fuente and Aina Torra Alonso
Jonatan Palacín and Gemma Casalta
Curation and coordination:
Núria Aidelman, Laia Colell i Agnès Sebastià (Associació A Bao A Qu)
Directed by:
Culture Institute of Barcelona
Barcelona Education Consortium
Residencia tied to "Barcelona UNESCO City of Literature"