Ana Garcia-Pineda IN RESiDENCE at the School Doctor Puigvert

No necesitas una apisonadora cuando tu lógica es aplastante [You Don’t Need a Steamroller When Your Logic is Overwhelming]


No necesitas una apisonadora cuando tu lógica es aplastante [You Don’t Need a Steamroller When Your Logic is Overwhelming]

Installation formed by three elements:

No te laves las manos [Don’t wash your hands], 16:9 HD video, 12’13’’

Preguntas sin respuesta [Unanswered questions], sign on the wall

Dónde va la luz cuando se va [Where Does the Light Go When It Goes], audio, 5’04’’


No necesitas una apisonadora cuando tu lógica es aplastante is a work comprising three pieces joined together in one same space to form a unit. These pieces can also be understood as stand-alone works. They are, firstly, Preguntas sin respuesta, a series of twelve phrases or questions, using figurative language or irony, written on the wall. Secondly, the recording No te laves las manos, a film of the pupils’ performance at the school, playing on the literal and figurative sense of “washing your hands” to provide their fellow pupils with food for thought. And, third and last, Dónde va la luz cuándo se va, a five-minute loop audio featuring the pupils’ voices, based on a text created collaboratively.

The three formalisations form part of one single creative process and comprise a meditation on the use of language and its expressive possibilities. Based on question, irony and figurative meaning, the texts are designed to suggest new meanings and encourage spectators to think.


The exhibition was presented at 7 pm on June 6 at Baró de Viver community centre. The pupils, with Ana García-Pineda and the teacher Mercè Gaja, discuss the pieces, the creative process and the experience of working together.

The presentation was attended by the pupils’ families and schoolmates, teachers from the school and representatives from ICUB and Barcelona Education Consortium, as well as by people linked to the world of culture.

The exhibition was open to the public in the central space at Baró de Viver community centre from June 6 to 14.