Anna Irina Russell IN RESiDENCE at the School Doctor Puigvert

Creators in/with power: [ ___________ ]

At the Creators in/with power exhibition: [ ___________ ] we present a series of actions that we carried out as a group, building a common space through play and experimentation. We have been investigating different ways of communicating using the body and gesture, and not so much through oral or written language, but by placing the emphasis on destabilising the pre-established structures when communicating with each other. We formed some ideas through the body, gesture and the absurd, key concepts that we have been working on throughout the entire process, building new meanings by taking a critical look at our environment. 

We have carried out all these actions using group knowledge, sharing experiences from doing, taking part and creating joint experiences. This way of relating with each other helps us to practice ways of learning in a group, in company and from different positions, thus activating the transfer of the knowledge and abilities of each of the people involved. We consider that it is more interesting if the learning goes in multiple directions. 

This is a project by Anna Irina Russell with the participation of Experimentem amb l’ART and carried out with teachers and Year 8 students from Institut Doctor Puigvert, Barcelona during the12th edition (2020-2021) of Creators IN RESIDENCE at schools in Barcelona, a programme developed by the Institute for Culture of Barcelona (ICUB) and the Barcelona Education Consortium (CEB), and conceived with the cooperation of Associació A Bao A Qu. 

With the collaboration of the artists Violeta Mayoral [with photographs of the urban camouflage actions], Willem de Haan [in the construction of extensions to the body using card] and Roger Serret i Ricou [with the creation of the modular display of the installation] with the help of Eulàlia Garcia Valls, Albert Tarrats and Valentina Cardellino during the assembly of this installation. 

We would like to thank the teachers Mercè Gaja and Maria Villar, and the assistance of Joan Ivern (EART). And also and its team for their warm reception. 

Link to the project’s blog for this action: