Carla Farreny and Marta Vilardell IN RESiDENCE at the School Joan Fuster


Go beyond, transform, move… Everything takes us towards a line that must be crossed. We like to think that adolescence is one of those things. How does this transformation reciprocate between ourselves and the environment? How do we change and make this constant dialogue between body and space evolve? Throughout the creative process, artists and students have worked using imagination and abstraction with the desire to give new meanings to known spaces and experiences in new imaginative possibilities. The device that we have conceived is a hybrid between spectacle and an artistic installation. The public may pass through the stage setting to inhabit the various “stations”.

There will be only one performance. The nerves came to the surface during the last rehearsal and during the minutes before the performance with the audience already at the doors.
The audience enter the room and travel through the different stations.After the video detailing the creation process, the performance begins.

At the end of the performance, a dialogue is established with the audience. They ask why crash mats have not been used for the trapeze. Carla explains that she always works like that, it makes you more focused on what you are doing, but do not be fooled, the circus has an element of risk and therefore you cannot allow for any errors. She also has a special conversation with one of the student’s grandfathers who had practised sports gymnastics and shared some of his experiences. 

He is still interested in practising the trapeze. She makes the most of the time while a part of the audience visit the facilities.