Carla Rovira IN RESiDENCE at the School Montjuïc

The future has become a space to conquer. It seems that we can no longer dream of possible life-giving scenarios, but hope is an inalienable right. Especially if you still have your whole life ahead of you. With climate scenarios and the rise of the extreme right, it is more imperative than ever to think that things can get better. Being able to think about liveable and desirable futures is necessary to desire life, and is how to believe that a better life is possible. And that we can therefore achieve it by transforming what we don't like about what we have now. The prospect of a better future, of a utopia, makes us agents of transformation and political advocacy. And as theatre is a utopian space because it is capable of stopping time or converting and bending it, the task of constructing new narratives of the future needs to be embraced. Conquering the future in order to appropriate it for ourselves. The aim is to work on a utopia in order to create these stories.

We will do this through debate, working with various materials, documentation and improvisation as a mechanism.