Carla Torres IN RESiDENCE at the School L’Alzina


Carla Torres  (Barcelona, 1977)

Actress, playwright and director. In 2014, she founded her own company, La Peleona, which has premiered a total of seven shows to great public and media acclaim. Highlights include “Kentucky ha Muerto”, winner of the 2019 Odisseu Eòlia i+d Grant (Sala Versus Glòries, GREC Festival 2021), “Maison du Lors” (Cicle Dones Lliures 2019, Teatre Lliure), “Estat Decepció” (Sala Flyhard 2018), “Buscant a Hypathia” (dins del cicle LLibràlegs, Temporada Alta 2018), “Broken Heart Story”, nominated for the 2016 Butaca Awards (Sala Villarroel 2017, Sala Atrium 2016), “La Gran Escapada” (Torneig de dramatúrgia, Temporada Alta 2017), “L'Efecte Perfecte” (Berlin, Volksbühne 2014, Sala Beckett 2015) and “Sota Zero”, (Sala Atrium 2015). Throughout her career she has written and directed more than 20 plays, worked with directors such as Alícia Gorina, Alejo Levis, Saara Turunen, Carol López, Carles Mallol and Marta Buchaca, and premiered in theatres such as the Volksbühne (Berlin), Teatre Lliure, TNC, Sala Villarroel, Sala Flyhard, Tantarantana, Sala Atrium and festivals such as Temporada Alta and GREC. In the summer of 2023, she directed “Ricard III” for the company Parking Shakespeare, and performed at the Avignon Festival with “Maclownbeth”, a clown show about Macbeth by the company Projecte Longànime. This year she is assistant director to Alícia Gorina in the show “Ifigènia”, premiered at the Teatre lliure in April 2024.

Presentation updated in September 2024

School L’Alzina

This is the sixth time in a row that L'Alzina School (el Congrés i els Indians, Sant Andreu) has taken part in IN RESiDENCE. After the creative processes of Marc Artigau, Llàtzer Garcia, Núria Lloansi and Pierre Peres, Sara Manubens and Lucia del Greco, L'Alzina is once again committed to dramaturgy and live arts. And once again, it will be with a group of 3rd year secondary school students. 


L'Alzina School started up in 1982. It is at one end of the district of Sant Andreu, bordering the district of Navas and the districts of Nou Barris and Horta-Guinardó. At present, it has three secondary school classes and two high school classes.

Presentation updated in September 2024


Students from 3rd ESO
To be confirmed

Xavier Calvo and Óscar Sagués 

Curator and coordination
Teatre Lliure

Institut de Cultura de Barcelona and Consorci d’Educació de Barcelona