Constanza Brnčić IN RESiDENCE at the School Escola Turó de'n Caritg

Constanza Brnčić (Buenos Aires, 1974) 

Constanza Brnčić is a dancer and choreographer.  She has a degree in philosophy, a master's degree in Contemporary Thought and Classical Tradition from the UB, and is a candidate for a doctorate in philosophy with her doctoral thesis Expresión y alteridad en Merleau-Ponty, which she will present in November 2023.  She combines her artistic and research work in the field of live arts creation -with a special interest in the contextuality of practices- with the realization of numerous projects and assignments, including the community project PI(È)CE (2011_2022), the work Registres Evanescents (co-production Auditori 2022/23) and Peça sense mi, (co-production of Mercat de les Flors 2023), among others, and teaching composition, improvisation and movement techniques at the Conservatori Superior de Dansa (CSD / Institut del Teatre). 

She took part in the 10th edition of EN RESiDÈNCiA (2018 - 2019), mediated by the Mercat de les Flors and Graner, at the Institut Comas i Solà (Trinitat Vella, Nou Barris), where she performed the creation process of Un show más, staged at the Centre d'Art de Fabra i Coats, as part of the collective exhibition Aquí hem trobat un espai per pensar. 10 anys EN RESiDÈNCiA (2019) and, subsequently, presented at the Mercat de les Flors (2019).

Presentation updated in September 2023


School Escola Turó de'n Caritg

The Institut Escola Turó de'n Caritg (La Salut, Badalona) was founded during the 2019-2020 academic year following the fusion of the Escola Alexandre Galí and the Institut Baetulo, although its origins officially date back to 1968, when the Basic General Education school was built to meet the need to provide schooling for the people of the La Salut neighbourhood. By joining the two schools, adopting the model of a secondary school, a common project has been developed that adapts to the educational needs of the children and young people in the neighbourhood.

After a participatory process, the school changed its name in 2021 to Turó de'n Caritg, which refers to its location, almost at the top of the small hill (now an urban park) which stands out for being the second highest point in the Serra d'en Mena, at 71m above sea level. A stretch of the Via Augusta passed very close to the hill, and there was an early Christian necropolis around it.

L’Institut Escola Turó de’n Caritg (La Salut, Badalona) takes part for the first time in EN RESiDÈNCiA.

Presentation updated in September 2023


4th ESO students


Emma Lanero and Mercè Gonzàlez

Committee and coordination

A Bao A Qu


Consorci del Besòs and Institut de Cultura de Barcelona