- 14th EDITION 2022 / 2023
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- 1st EDITION 2009 / 2010
Cos Col·lectiu IN RESiDENCE at the School Jaume Balmes

Cos Col·lectiu comprises Raquel García (Valladolid, 1974) and Meri Caballero (L’Hospitalet, 1985). We are dedicated to accompanying individuals and groups through artistic mediation and art therapy in the community and education areas, with particular emphasis on working with adolescents, young people and women.
We mainly work through visual, audiovisual and living arts, in a transdisciplinary way. Encouraging critical thinking, connection with the body, and inter-relationships between people and their contexts is important to us. That is why we are called Cos Col·lectiu [Collective Body], because a collective body is that constructed through careful relations between the diversities that form them, promoting personal and social change.
Raquel García is a transdisciplinary artist -video, performance-, a facilitator of creation processes in community intervention and art therapy.
She studied photography in Paris where she worked in an interdisciplinary way in different collectives of artists. Afterwards, in Barcelona, she specialised in audiovisuals and collectively made different pieces of non-fiction, such as the documentary Els fils de Penèlope, broadcast on TV3 and at international festivals. In the last few years of her professional career, after studying transdisciplinary art therapy, she explored other channels of expression such as performance, combining personal projects with artistic mediation. Some of these projects are Caminantas, Dones Arpilleristes de Poble-sec, El meu Barri és un Món, Cartes d'hivern, Microhistorias Migrantes and Diversament Vulnerables.
Meri Caballero (http://www.mericaballero.com) is an art therapist, educator and artist.
Graduate in Fine Arts (UB), Master’s degree in Art Therapy (IATBA), post-graduate degree in Drama Therapy (Gestalt Institute of Barcelona) and Master’s degree in Teacher Training (UB).
She works with different collectives in the community and education field, interrelating artistic languages, particularly drawing, photography and performance. A specialist in group facilitation, she is particularly interested in matters connected to gender, identity, body and memory.
She has exhibited her artistic work in different spaces and festivals (La Neomudéjar Art Centre, MUA, Nemaf New Media Festival), has carried out artistic mediation projects (Diversament Vulnerables) and currently makes podcasts on art, psychotherapy and feminisms on the programme ‘Suficientemente buenas’.
In the last few years, she has researched different areas of body expression (free dance, dance-theatre, dance therapy, authentic movement, etc.) on a personal level.
School Jaume Balmes
http://www.jaumebalmes.net/After the residences of Pep Duran, Alícia Casadesús, Claudia Pagès, Isabel Barios and Jordi Ferreiro, the Jaume Balmes Secondary School (La Dreta de l’Eixample) takes part for the sixth consecutive year in iN RESiDENCE. Once again, with a group of students from 4th ESO.
Founded in 1845, the Jaume Balmes School is the oldest secondary school in Barcelona and one of the oldest educational institutions in the city's history. It has been located in the Eixample district, at the crossroads of Pau Claris and Consell de Cent, since 1942.
Presentation updated in September 2024
Students from 4th ESO
Natalia Amich Da Silva, Xia Cols Hevia, Gustavo David Estrada Quezada, Mariana Valeria Flores Alanya, Dagna Isabel Gil Arboleda, Iman Lachhab Boudina, Lea Maurus Mayoral, Chertzi Isabell Padilla Hurtado, Mar Peralta Heredia, Maria Rey Rubio, Denisa Maria Stan, Chlöe Suari Calavia, Lucía Zamora Bodega.
Elisenda Vila and Carme Clavero
Curator and coordination
Born Centre de Cultura i Memòria and Transductores
Barcelona Culture Institute
Barcelona Education Consortium