Denise Duncan IN RESiDENCE at the School Sants

Denise Duncan

Denise Duncan (Costa Rica, 1979)

Director, playwright and scriptwriter. She is a member of the Spanish Academy of Performing Arts.

She has premiered around twenty plays, including “Títuba. Bruixa, negra i ramera” (Writer and director. Sala Perifèria), “El combat del segle” (Writer and director. Sala Beckett/Centro Dramático Nacional/Teatre Principal de Palma), “Negrata de merda” (Writer and director. Teatre Tantarantana), “Henrietta” (Musical. Co-writer. Teatro Nacional de Costa Rica), “Mamita Yunai” (Dramaturgy/adaptation. Teatro Espressivo de Costa Rica), “Una dona al mirall” (Writer and director. Sala Atrium) and “La Taverna dels Bufons” (Co-writer and assistant director. Teatre Romea).

She has been awarded prizes such as the second prize of the “Premio Marquès de Bradomín” 2006 or the Premi Ciutat de Manacor de Teatre Jaume Vidal i Alcover 2018. She was the author of the VII Theatrical Writing Lab for the Fundació SGAE 2019 and resident author of the Sala Beckett for the 2019-2020 season.

Presentation updated in September 2024

School Sants

This is the fourth time in a row that the Sants School has participated in IN RESiDENCE. Previous editions have included Marilia Samper and, subsequently, Eu Manzaneres, with the support of Sala Beckett; as well as Pía Sommer, with the support of MNAC and A Bao A Qu. This year it takes part once again with a group of students in the second year of secondary school. 


Sants School is in the Sants-Montjuïc district, on the border between Les Corts and l'Eixample, right next to Sants station. It was built at the end of the 1950s, and was officially opened in 1962 under the name Ausiàs March, until 1966, when it was renamed Emperador Carles. In 2022, after a participatory process, the school's educational community agreed on a new name change, adopting the current name of Sants School.

Presentation updated in September 2024


Students from 2nd ESO
To be confirmed

Cristina López and Juan Carlos Gutiérrez

Curator and coordination
Sala Beckett

Institut de Cultura de Barcelona and Consorci d’Educació de Barcelona