- 14th EDITION 2022 / 2023
- 13th EDITION 2021 / 2022
- 12th EDITION 2020 / 2021
- 11th EDITION 2019 / 2020
- 10th EDITION 2018 / 2019
- 9th EDITION 2017 / 2018
- 8th EDITION 2016 / 2017
- 7th EDITION 2015 / 2016
- 6th EDITION 2014 / 2015
- 5th EDITION 2013 / 2014
- 4th EDITION 2012 / 2013
- 3rd EDITION 2011 / 2012
- 2nd EDITION 2010 / 2011
- 1st EDITION 2009 / 2010
Fernando Prats IN RESiDENCE at the School Menéndez y Pelayo

(Santiago de Chile, 1967). The artist has lived and worked in Barcelona since 1990. He studied painting at the Massana School in Barcelona in 1993, having taken his degree in Art from the University of Chile in 1996. MA in Painting from the University of Barcelona in 2000. In 2010, he won the City of Palma Antonio Gelabert Prize for the Visual Arts. Over the course of his career, he has received numerous awards and grants, such as a John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellowship (New York, 2006-2007) and the Fondart prize (2003). He was artist-in-residence at the Kunst-Station Sankt Peter Köln (Cologne, 2002-2003), and received the Grant of Honour of the President of the Republic of the Chilean Government (1997-2000), the Pilar Juncosa y Sotheby’s Special Prize (1994) and the Eighth Miquel Casablanca Prize for Painting (1992).
His most outstanding recent projects include Auschwitz/Birkenau. Riu Vistula and Sola (2012), presented at the Meditations Biennale in Poznan; El nacimiento del mundo (2011), exhibited at the Joan Miró Foundation; Gran Sur (2011), for the Chile Pavilion at the Venice Biennale; and Catch on the fly (2009), presented at the Sala La Gallera gallery in Valencia.
Biography written in 2012
School Menéndez y Pelayo
institutmenendezypelayo.catInstitut Menéndez y Pelayo took part in the In Residence initiative during the 2012-13 academic year, developing a visual art project with the artist Fernando Prats. At this fifth edition of the programme, pupils in the fourth year of ESO compulsory secondary education taking the optional course in music engaged in an activity that focused on the world of dance. One of the school’s main goals is to encourage across-the-curriculum education and the opening up of minds to other experiences of expression that can help to raise pupils’ self-esteem.
The building that currently houses the Menéndez y Pelayo secondary school dates back to 1933 and was designed by the architect Jaume Mestres i Fossas, a member of GATCPAC (Group of Catalan Architects and Technicians for the Progress of Contemporary Architecture). The building's concept is a result of the application of European rationalist architectural criteria to school buildings of that period.
Students 4th of ESO:
Mónica Andrés, Patricia Camero, Suelen Andrea Carrillo, YuanjieChen, Soraya Garcia, Daryl Gay de Chávez, Arturo Hervás, Lluís Miquel Lozada, Maria Maled, Joana Mestres, Laura Prats, Leire Sánchez, Maria Saavedra, Samuel Savage and Pedro Luis Vargas
Isabel Abarca (visual and plastic education), Carme Iglesias (catalan language) and Concha Fernández (director)
Curation and coordination:
A Bao A Qu Association
Directed by:
Culture Institute of Barcelona
Barcelona Education Consortium