- 14th EDITION 2022 / 2023
- 13th EDITION 2021 / 2022
- 12th EDITION 2020 / 2021
- 11th EDITION 2019 / 2020
- 10th EDITION 2018 / 2019
- 9th EDITION 2017 / 2018
- 8th EDITION 2016 / 2017
- 7th EDITION 2015 / 2016
- 6th EDITION 2014 / 2015
- 5th EDITION 2013 / 2014
- 4th EDITION 2012 / 2013
- 3rd EDITION 2011 / 2012
- 2nd EDITION 2010 / 2011
- 1st EDITION 2009 / 2010
Isabel Banal IN RESiDENCE at the School Barcelona - Congrés

Isabel Banal (Castellfollit de la Roca, 1963). Visual artist and teacher at La Massana Barcelona School of Art and Design. In her work, she explores the tensions and coexistence between the natural and urban, between the concepts of nature and artifice. She also meditates on the creative act and daily life in work in which white is a constant element, seen as both start and limit, as silence and as revelation.
Throughout her career, Banal has made constant use of natural materials found in the landscape, combining them with elements linked to the world of creativity and everyday objects, often experimenting with changes of scale and miniaturisation.
Her many solo exhibitions include particularly: La maleta [blava] de W.B. (Portbou, 2011); Ascensioni, Galleria Enrico Fornello (Prato, Italy, 2007); Feix petit pel camí creix, Centre de Lectura (Reus, 2004); Allez, Centre d’Art Contemporain (Saint-Cyprien, France, 2004); Rumiant, Espais (Girona, 2003); Sense revelar, Espai Zero1 (Olot, 2002). She has also taken part in many group shows, including Salvat-Papasseit Poetavanguardistacatalà, Arts Santa Mònica (Barcelona, 2011); Canòdrom 00:00:00, Canòdrom (Barcelona, 2010); Querformat, Kunstverein Tiergarten - Galerie Nord (Berlin, Germany, 2010) and Frágil, Galeria Estrany-De la Mota (Barcelona, 2007).
Biography written in 2011
School Barcelona - Congrés
http://agora.xtec.cat/ies-barcelona-congres/Institut Barcelona Congrés is a secondary school in Vilapicina, an area adjoining the Congrés neighbourhood in Nou Barris district. The school teaches ESO compulsory education courses and baccalaureates in the humanities and social sciences and science and technology. The work of the school, which aims to be inclusive, embracing the diversity of pupils in the neighbourhood , focuses particularly on encouraging a spirit of unity amongst pupils and the cohesion of the teaching team.
Presentation written in 2011
Students 4th of ESO:
Albert Arriaran, Chaddi Bendenounne, Joselyn Casquete, Steel-David Castillo Minyetty, Bryan-Santiago Castro Rizco, Manel Chamorro Rodriguez, Guillem Cuevas Antequera, Yassine El Ouahabi, Svetlana Hovhannisyan, Nayab Ishrat, Rubi Jara Osccorima, Claudiu-Alin Muntean, Juan-José Perdomo Joya, Stefany-Yvon Peña Navarrete, Cleivis Pineda, Josep Pons, Madelaine Quinteros Piza, Daniela Rojas Romero, Weston José Silva Martínez and Luis-Fernandos Tonato Tonato
Laia Mercadé (visual and plàstica) and Àngel Ramos (mathematics)
Curation and coordination:
A Bao A Qu Association
Directed by:
Culture Institute of Barcelona
Barcelona Education Consortium