Joan Colomo IN RESiDENCE at the School Maria Espinalt


Visit to and rehearsal at the Sala Vol
Making the most of the fact that the Sala Vol is barely a ten-minute walk from the school, a visit there was organised. Some of the hall’s workers received the students. Sergio Picón, the Vol's technical director, was responsible for introducing them to the microcosms of a concert hall, as well as the basic concepts of live music amplification and installation. During the final part of the session, some students took the opportunity to go up on stage and sing the latest songs they had created in the class. Joan accompanied them on guitar. In response to a request from the management team, on the same day, a group of 3rd-year compulsory-secondary-education (ESO) students from the school also visited the hall. Sergio Picón was also responsible for showing them around.

Visit to an exhibition entitled “We've found a space here to think in”
Two weeks before the presentation of Fàbrica de hits, the class visited the Centre d’Art de Fabra i Coats to see an exhibition commemorating the tenth anniversary of the “Creators in residence” programme.