Joaquín Collado IN RESiDENCE at the School Martí Pous

Joaquín Collado

Joaquín Collado (Villamalea, 1991)

My name is Joaquín. I am 33 years old. I've been working in dance and creation for several years. I started out drawing and studying art, then I switched to text theatre and studied for two years at the ESAD in Valencia. At the age of 16, I started to dance ballroom and urban dances, and I fell into contemporary dance by chance. I have always been interested in teaching, and I currently give improvisation and composition classes in Barcelona's private schools. I finished my degree in dance analysis at the Vincennes Saint-Denis University in Paris. 

I am interested in writing about dance, the body and choreography. Through my own choreographic practice, I explore procedures that alter and expand the contours of the body and dance. My approach is to welcome other multiple corporealities that exist in the sphere of the spatial, monstrous and poetic. I am particularly interested in broadening the viewer's imagination and blurring gender boundaries. I am currently studying for a Master's degree in CRIC [(De)construction of identities in literature and cultures] at the University of Barcelona (UB). I come from a village near Albacete. For four years, I've been coordinating a dance festival there called Paisaje (Landscape). I'm still passionate about dancing. Through my work, I have been involved with organisations such as La Caldera (Barcelona dance centre), Graner (Barcelona dance and living arts centre), the Mercat de les Flors, the Venice Dance Biennale, Théâtre de Vanves and Artdanthé Festival, La Briqueterie CDCN (Val-de-Marne), the Greek Festival of Barcelona, the Danza-Valencia Festival, the Temporada Alta Festival in Girona and the Danza Metropolitana Festival in Barcelona, among others.

Presentation updated in September 2024

School Martí Pous

This is Martí Pous School's sixth participation in IN RESiDENCE. Previous editions have hosted the creative processes of Cristina Checa (2018-2019), Jorge Albuerne (2020-2021), Cristina Celada (2021-2022), Gatillo Culón (2022-2023) and PSIRC (2023-2024). This year Martí Pous is taking part with a group of 2nd year secondary school students. 


The Martí Pous School was founded in 2017 and belongs to the cultural and educational facilities located at the Fabra i Coats site. The neighbourhood with the Fàbrica de Creació, the Art Centre, the Ateneu L'Harmonia, the Biblioteca Ignasi Iglesias, Can Fabra, the Taller de Músics and the CRAB (Centre de Recursos Artístics de Barcelona), etc., contributes to enhancing this institute's status as a centre of cultural production, together with the Escola Bressol La Filadora, the Escola Can Fabra and the Escola Municipal de Música de Sant Andreu. 

Presentation updated in September 2024


Students from 2nd ESO
To be confirmed

Ana Pérez and Judit Castillo

Curator and coordination
La Caldera

Barcelona Culture Institute
Barcelona Education Consortium