Jordi Ferreiro IN RESiDENCE at the School Jaume Balmes


EXHIBITION. 11/06/2021
The exhibition presents the creation process of the IN RESIDENCE group, which is built around the 175th anniversary of the school and its history as one of the first state secondary schools in Catalonia. Review the past to imagine the future is a displacement of the school’s pedagogical archives to the rooms of Casa Elizalde, a facility that combines pedagogical material from the beginning of the 20th century with pieces created by students during the 2020-2021 academic year.

The students acted as custodians of the exhibition, providing guided visits in small groups to all members of the public. This way, they are able to explain not only what is exhibited but also how it came to be, the emotions and anecdotes that accompany the processes and experiences. Everything that is exhibited and everything that is not.