Jordi Oriol i Indigest IN RESiDENCE at the School Joan d’Àustria

Tempestant Shakespeare

Tempestant Shakespeare (based on Shakespeare's play The Tempest)
Theatre work

The Indi Gest art association proposed the idea of rereading The Tempest, by the English playwright William Shakespeare. Interested in staging a reworked version of the classic play (in similar style to their work of some years ago, La caiguda d'Amlet, based on Hamlet), Jordi Oriol and the other members of Indi Gest wrote an abridged version of the play and invited the pupils to take part in the production according to their interests, that is, as performers or as technical staff.


This reworking of The Tempest, however, was not intended as the fruit of a faithful, academic reading of Shakespeare's play; rather it should be inspired by the pupils' interests and concerns and day-to-day life at their school. Accordingly, after a reading of the original play over three sessions (using Salvador Oliva's Catalan translation, perhaps the most accessible version for the pupils), Jordi Oriol and the other members of the art association discussed what interested them most about the story with the group of pupils. This enabled the group to understand that the island was nothing more than a metaphor to talk about a particular historic context, and which could also be used to talk about the world that they found themselves in today, that is to say, the school. Seen in this way, the island could easily be turned into a classroom in which there was someone who had to be obeyed (Prospero - the teacher), some poor unfortunates (the shipwrecked characters - pupils, including those in love, winners, losers and so on). In short, the members of Indi Gest led the group to realise that The Tempest had contemporary overtones, enabling them to appropriate the play.