- 14th EDITION 2022 / 2023
- 13th EDITION 2021 / 2022
- 12th EDITION 2020 / 2021
- 11th EDITION 2019 / 2020
- 10th EDITION 2018 / 2019
- 9th EDITION 2017 / 2018
- 8th EDITION 2016 / 2017
- 7th EDITION 2015 / 2016
- 6th EDITION 2014 / 2015
- 5th EDITION 2013 / 2014
- 4th EDITION 2012 / 2013
- 3rd EDITION 2011 / 2012
- 2nd EDITION 2010 / 2011
- 1st EDITION 2009 / 2010
La Calòrica IN RESiDENCE at the School Barri Besòs

The theatre company La Calòrica was founded in 2010 by a group of graduates from Barcelona Theatre Institute. The group’s work focuses on two fields of research: the validity of classical theatrical forms and themes in contemporary aesthetic dialogue; and the role of humour in approaches to more serious issues.
Their first production, entitled Feísima enfermedad y muy triste muerte de la reina Isabel I (Versus Teatre, 2010), was a grotesque tragicomedy about hunger for power and the brevity of life based on the life of Isabel the Catholic. Their second work, L’editto bulgaro, premiered at the Grec Festival in 2012, focused on one of the most shocking media scandals in Italy during the Berlusconi period. That same year, at the Teatre Lliure, they also presented Ekstraordinarnyy, a comedy performed entirely in “pseudo-Russian” about a humble Ukrainian teenager who dreams of becoming famous thanks to Internet.
At Grec 2013, La Calòrica presented La nau dels bojos (winner of the 2012 Adrià Gual Prize), a play about the contemporary drift based on a fable inspired by Bosch’s painting Ship of Fools. Bluf, winner of the 2014 Quim Masó Prize, is a choral comedy that takes inspiration from the imagery of the contemporary graphic novel to depict a series of characters who are drowning in disillusionment, but make one last attempt to find happiness. Sobre el fenomen de les feines de merda had its premiere at the Teatre Tantarantana in 2015 as part Cicló (a season of works by independent companies in Barcelona). Their latest show, El profeta (2016), is a collective work that explores the crisis in scientific thought and the rise of new spiritualities that we are seeing today.
The current members of La Calòrica are Xavi Francés, Aitor Galisteo-Rocher, Esther López, Albert Pascual, Marc Rius, Israel Solà, Júlia Truyol and Joan Yago.
Biography written in 2016
School Barri Besòs
http://agora.xtec.cat/iesbarribesos/This is the first time the Barri Besòs Institute participates in IN RESIDENCE, and it do so with a group of second of ESO.
The Institut Barri Besòs has been gradually built up since 1977, with the joint work of parents, teachers, pupils, neighbours, administrations, organisations and institutions. This collaboration has given rise to a public educational centre rooted in the social environment where it is located, open to the neighbourhoods it serves, with a democratic and participatory functioning, which has sought to implement a quality educational approach which is sensitive to the compensatory treatment of social inequalities, and which seeks to promote scientific and technological education and the values of humanistic culture.
Presentation updated in September 2023
Students 2nd of ESO:
Sinem Asenova Kamenova, Amine Boukhalfa Rezki, Alba Carrillo Colao, Jose Cortés Padilla, Cristal Shelise Cortorreal alba, Eva de Esteban García, Laura Fernández Gámez, Daniel García Salinas, Gerard García Salinas, Maxim Gizdar, Raúl Alcántara Hernández, Kamaldeep Kaur, Gisela López Guillén and Andrey Saakyan
Jordi Sànchez (spanish language and literature) and Conxita Jiménez (catalan language and literature)
Curation and coordination
Sala Beckett / Obrador Internacional de Dramatúrgia
Directed by:
Culture Institute of Barcelona
Barcelona Education Consortium