Luz Broto IN RESiDENCE at the School Doctor Puigvert

Luz Broto (Barcelona, 1982) lives and works in Barcelona. She holds a degree in Art and a DEA advanced studies diploma in the PhD course in Art in the Digital Age and Intermediate Creation from the University of

Her situationist practice is based on specific interventions of a performative character. Using the space’s characteristics as a starting point- architectural elements and infrastructure; organisational structures; regulations; protocols; historical or recent events- she creates minimal operations of displacement that, in the process of being carried out, bring into play the constrictions and complexities of the framework they inscribe themselves upon.

Over the years, Luz Broto has produced specific projects for different contexts such as the La Panera Art Centre, Lleida; Institut für Raumexperimente, Berlin; Sezession, Vienna; CA2M and La Casa Encendida, Madrid; Nau Estruch, Sabadell; and MACBA and the Mercat de les Flors in Barcelona. She has received grants from the Blueproject Foundation, Masterplan-LiPac, Fundació Suñol / Can Xalant, the Pre-Doctoral Research Training Grant and the Miquel Casablancas Prize.

Biography written in 2015

School Doctor Puigvert

The school has previously taken part in three editions of EN RESiDÈNCiA. The result of its fourth participation (2012-2013), with Lluís Bisbe, was the work Desalumnologia (“Depupilology”), which was installed at the school itself. In the fifth edition (2013-2014), the guest artist was Jaume Ferrete, and in the sixth (2014-2015), Francesc Ruiz. Institut Doctor Puigvert is taking part in the programme once more this year with a group of first-year ESO compulsory secondary education pupils.


Doctor Puigvert School is very close to the Trinitat crossroads and the Besòs river. It opened in 1985, although the current building was not inaugurated until 1991-92. Its faculty agreed to name it Doctor Puigvert School after the urologist Antoni Puigvert (1905-1990), whose childhood was closely linked to Sant Andreu.  

Presentation updated in September 2024


Students 1st of ESO:
Mario Andreu Cerezuela, Arman Fernández, Sheila Badías Losa, Iván Batalla Jarabo, Kristina Benkovskaya, Júlia Castells Bertran, Gemma Hernández Ayora, Eva López Muro, Luna Magán Jarque, Lluna Marqués Moreno, Nel Martínez Barnet, Alex Miquel Carpintero, Mar Pavia Sáez, Txell Rigola Solanas, Ivet Suria Abad and Abril Yus de la Orden

Mercè Gaja (visual education and art)

Curation and coordination:
A Bao A Qu Association

Directed by:
Culture Institute of Barcelona
Barcelona Education Consortium