Martí Anson IN RESiDENCE at the School Infanta Isabel d’Aragó

Since taking his degree in Art, Martí Anson (Mataró, 1967) has worked as an architect (Bon dia, Sala Montcada, “la Caixa” Foundation, 1999/2000 and L'apartament, Galeria Toni Tàpies, 2002), footballer (L'angoixa del porter al penal, Iconoscope, Montpellier, 2001), film director (Walt & Travis, 2003, at the Wexner Center in Columbus, Ohio, USA), boat-builder (Fitzcarraldo, 55 days working on the construction of a Stela 34 yacht at the Santa Mònica Art Centre 2004/2005), painting thief (Mataró/Montreal, Circa Gallerie of Montreal, 2006), builder working on the construction of a replica of a building in the United States, promoting the conservation of local heritage (Martí i la fàbrica de farina, Lucky 7. SITE Santa Fe Biennial, 2008, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA), courier trying to transport a factory from his home time to Lyon (Martí i la fàbrica de xocolata, Rendez-vous 09. X Lyon Biennial, Frac Villaurbane), and house painter, painting the walls of a gallery in the colours of two football teams, along with their match results (El preu dels colors, Galeria Toni Tàpies, 2009-2010). He has also sought his fortune by establishing a chauffeur service in cooperation with Latitudes (Mataró Chauffeur Service, No soul for Sale, Tate Modern, London 2010), and has attempted to recover the furniture that his father made in the nineteen-sixties in the city of Mataró (Joaquimandson, Meessen de Clerq Gallery, Brussels, 2011). 

Today, he works as an architect, restoring the holiday home that his father designed in the nineteen-seventies (Catalan Pavilion. Anonymous architect. Nouvelles Vagues, Palais de Tokyo, Paris, 2013, Fundació Suñol, Barcelona 2014 and Beaufort 2015 Triennial, Belgium, 2015). 

Biography written in 2015

School Infanta Isabel d’Aragó

The school took part in the first edition of EN RESiDÈNCiA (2009-2010), when the work Deu mil hores [Ten Thousand Hours] was produced in cooperation with the artist Salvador Juanpere. 
This participation was repeated in the fifth edition (2013-2014), when Antònia del Río was the artist-in-residence. On this occasion, the artist teamed up with fourth-year secondary pupils taking the visual and fine art itinerary.


L'Infanta Isabel d'Aragó was founded in 1962 to provide education for the children of working-class families who had settled in the neighbourhood, born in the urban sprawl of Barcelona towards the Besòs River. The educator and scientist Angeleta Ferrer (Barcelona, 1904 - 1992), was a teacher and headmistress of the centre during its first few years of existence. 

Presentation updated in September 2024


Students 4th of ESO:
Pamela Toscana Nicola, Carlos Medero, Paula Trujillo Creus, Martí Ruiz, Samuel Cruces, Anabel Lizeth Galarza Torres, Anaïs González López, Marina Collell Jubany, Lizenia Rojas, Emma Santiago, Anna Aizpitarte Ramon, Victor Borrego, Victor Fernández and Judit Bagaña

Lola Penedo (visual art), Marta Perucho (social sciences) and Jordi Blanch Orri

Curation and coordination:
A Bao A Qu Association

Directed by:
Culture Institute of Barcelona
Barcelona Education Consortium