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Míriam Cano IN RESiDENCE at the School Teresa Pàmies

Míriam Cano (Molins de Rei, 1982) is a journalist and writer. She has published two poetry anthologies. Buntsandstein (Viena, 2013) and Ancoratge (Terrícola, 2016). She has also published the story “La Comuna de París” [The Paris Commune] in the book of short stories Cremen cels [Burning Skies] (Labreu edicions, 2017) with Martí Sales and Antònia Vicens. She has translated a selection of poems by Emily Dickinson into Catalan (Edicions Poncianes, 2017) along with Letters to a German Friend [Cartes a un amic alemany], by Albert Camus (Lleonard Muntaner, 2019). She has also published poems in the anthologies II Festival de Poesia des dels Balcons [Poetry from the Balcony Festival] (Parnass Ediciones, 2014) and Assumiràs la veu [Assuming the Voice] (Terrícola, 2014). She collaborated on Nàufrags, by Lluís Danés, writing the poems that accompanied the stage production, which was first performed in Mercat de les Flors in January 2016. She works with various Catalan media organisations as a literary journalist. She is part of the Escola Bloom faculty.
Presentation updated in September 2019
School Teresa Pàmies
http://instpamies.cat/The former Institut de Girona changed its name during the school year to Institut Teresa Pàmies, as a result of a participatory process held in 2019. This is the school’s fourth participation, with 4th-year compulsory secondary education (ESO) students, after the residences of Cristina Clemente, LaCol and Fito Conesa.
Teresa Pàmies Secondary School (until 2020, the Príncep de Girona Secondary School) is in the Horta-Guinardó district, at the crossroads of Gràcia and L’Eixample. It was established over forty years ago, but it was not until the 2019-2020 academic year that it was given the name of the writer, journalist and political activist Teresa Pàmies (Balaguer, 1919-Granada, 2012).
Students 4th of ESO
Nicole Aliaksandrau Macas, Júlia Andrés Alcaraz, Dostin Maico Mora Guerrero, Eunice Abigail Colan Huambachano, Shalin Corrales Solà, Alex Armando Cruz Correa, Yazmin Ivanna Dibucho Apestegui, Carla Espriu Vidilla, Erika Daniela Melo Florez, Erick Moisés Franco Pérez, Jan Gómez Silva, Chloé González Buonocore, Miriam Hernández Hernández, Xingyu Huang, Juan Manuel Rastrojo Bajo, Gabby Rachel Ortega and Albert Van der Tuijn
Gerard Segura and Òscar Sorribes
Curation and coordination
Escola Bloom
Directed by
Institut de Cultura de Barcelona
Consorci d’Educació de Barcelona
Residence tied to Poetry Barcelona 2020