nyamnyam IN RESiDENCE at the School Barri Besòs

Our starting point is the binomial between food sovereignty and technological sovereignty. Based on this binomial, we are also interested in the idea of technologies and how, using an expanded perspective, these include fields that we normally consider to be isolated from this territory. In this way, we can understand fire itself (important in the kitchen) as a technology, everyday technologies that solve everyday problems, or on the other hand, more complex devices that require design and maintenance, digital technologies from cyberspace, but also technologies concerning gender and subjectivity. For this reason, it is important to understand that every one of us is an expert in their own relationship with technologies, and therefore, we can play around with analysing and reinventing them.


The processes and the work resulting from each residency are presented at the end of each edition. Here you will find the description, register and related documents.

Throughout the academic year, you can follow the creative processes on the IN RESIDENCY blogs.