- 14th EDITION 2022 / 2023
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- 8th EDITION 2016 / 2017
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- 1st EDITION 2009 / 2010
Pep Duran IN RESiDENCE at the School Jaume Balmes

Pep Duran (Vilanova i la Geltrú, 1955) has always focused part of his work on set design, a facet that enables him to create proposals and projects based on a highly personal way of understanding construction, representation and the space. His work fuses and intertwines the real and the fictional through the construction of theatrical settings.
His latest solo exhibitions include the project Sense escenari, sponsored by SEACEX (MARTE, Museo de Arte del Salvador) and presented at the Museum of Contemporary Art and Design (Costa Rica), the Museum of Contemporary Art of Panama and Spanish Cultural Centre in Mexico; and Una cadena d’esdeveniments, seen at La Capella (MACBA, Barcelona). He has also taken part in such collective exhibitions as Art, dos punts (MACBA, Barcelona), Arco Madrid, +Erre Galeria; Haver fet un lloc on els artistes tinguin dret a equivocar-se. Històries, at Espai 13, Fundació Miró; Espècies d’espais, at MACBA; Carta de otoño, at the Alejandro Sales gallery; and Prosa del observatorio, at Rocío Santacruz Art.
He has designed sets for Truca un inspector, at the Teatre Goya, directed by Josep Maria Pou; Un mes al camp, at the TNC; Dispara / Agafa tresor / Repeteix, at the Teatre Lliure; Llibertat!, by Santiago Rusiñol, at the TNC; and Frank V, by Friedrich Dürrenmatt, at the Teatre Lliure; and L’avar, by Molière, at the Teatre Goya, all directed by Josep Maria Mestres; Tu no surts a la foto, by Enric Nolla, at the TNC, directed by Antonio Simón; and El coratge de matar, by Lars Noren, directed by Magda Puyo, at the TNC.
His works can be seen in various galleries, museums and collections, including the Museo Nacional de Arte Reina Sofía, MACBA, the Soley Collection, the Rafael Tous Collection, the Fundació d’Art Contemporani (Barcelona), the Government of Catalonia Art Collection, the Fundació “la Caixa” Contemporary Art Collection (Barcelona), and the Banc Sabadell Foundation. Moreover, several of his public sculptures have been installed in such cities and towns as Barcelona, Las Palmas, Sant Boi de Llobregat and Vilanova i la Geltrú.
Biography written in 2016
School Jaume Balmes
http://www.jaumebalmes.net/Institut Jaume Balmes is taking part for the first time in IN RESIDENCE with a group of fourth-year ESO compulsory education pupils.
Founded in 1845, the Jaume Balmes School is the oldest secondary school in Barcelona and one of the oldest educational institutions in the city's history. It has been located in the Eixample district, at the crossroads of Pau Claris and Consell de Cent, since 1942.
Presentation updated in September 2024
Students 4th of ESO:
Silvana Rocío Alva Senozaín, Isabel Amoròs Moragas, Irene Antonio González, Janina Asprilla Lambert, Deidre Atiénzar Cebrià, Federico Dufort Álvarez Montes, Sara Fernández Gesalí, Júlia Franco Caravia, Pol Jacomé Asunción, Julieta León Torres, Stéfano Linares Tello, Lola Martínez Barceló, Pablo Molinero Yuste, Íker Navarro Monge-Marrufo, Irene Olasz Costa, Víctor Rodríguez Casado, Roger Sánchez Tobella, Thomas Sharples VaDen Bogaert, Tanit Socías Alonso, Marta Vázquez Membrado, Ona Vendrell Caballé and Xiaoyan Zhu Chen
Jonatan Palacin (visual and plastic) and Anna M. Margarits (catalan language)
Curation and coordination
A Bao A Qu Association
Directed by:
Culture Institute of Barcelona
Barcelona Education Consortium