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Pere Llobera IN RESiDENCE at the School Jaume Balmes

Pere Llobera (Barcelona, 1970)
He combines his figurative and conceptual pictorial art work with exhibition curation and other forms of artistic collaboration.
His diverse training ranges from an unfinished degree in Fine Arts at the University of Barcelona and studies in the history and aesthetics of cinematography in Valladolid during the 1990s, to a residency at the renowned Rijksakademie van Beeldende kunste in Amsterdam during 2006 and 2007.
He has participated in numerous national and international group exhibitions. Highlights from recent solo exhibitions include “At the cabinets” at the Voorlinden Museum in The Hague (2019); “Acció”, at the Bombón projects gallery in Barcelona (2018) and “Mecanismos del Humor”, at the F2 gallery in Madrid (2023).
In Barcelona, he has collaborated with institutions such as the MNAC (Espai Educart), the Fundació Joan Miró (“Do it yourself”) or the Caixaforum (“Entre la axila y la palma de la mano”), and he was curator of the 2020 / 2021 cycle of the Espai 13 of the Fundació Joan Miró.
He also has a life outside the commercial circuit with exhibitions that prove it, such as “Palacio ¿REAL?”, held in an industrial building in Hospitalet (2015), or the intervention at the Casa del Prior in Barcelona under the title of “VERA ICON” (2016) as part of the “Generaciones” exhibition.
He has recently published his book “HURRAH FOR ANYTHING” at Terranova publishing house, which is now in full release.
Presentation updated in September 2024
School Jaume Balmes
http://www.jaumebalmes.net/The Jaume Balmes School is taking part in IN RESiDENCE for the twelfth time. After the residencies of Pep Duran, Alícia Casadesús, Claudia Pagès, Isabel Barios, Jordi Ferreiro, Cos Col-lectiu and Nadia Hafid, the school is taking part in the programme with a group of 4th year secondary school students.
Founded in 1845, the Jaume Balmes School is the oldest secondary school in Barcelona and one of the oldest educational institutions in the city's history. It has been located in the Eixample district, at the crossroads of Pau Claris and Consell de Cent, since 1942.
Presentation updated in September 2024
Students from 4th ESO
To be confirmed
Eva Mateo and Jesús Vila
Curator and coordination
MNAC / Experimentem amb l'Art
Institut de Cultura de Barcelona and Consorci d’Educació de Barcelona