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Perico Pastor IN RESiDENCE at the School Joan Salvat-Papasseit

Perico Pastor (La Seu d'Urgell, 1953) studied in Barcelona and migrated to New York in 1976, where he lived for about twelve years, publishing his illustrations in Harper's, The Village Voice and, above all, The New York Times. He gave his first exhibition in 1980, at the Cornelia Street Cafe in New York, whilst in 1983 he presented his work for the first time at a gallery: Estampa, in Madrid. For some years, he combined illustration and painting, New York and Barcelona, giving exhibitions in Barcelona, Madrid, Granada, Hong Kong, Paris, Tokyo, Sag Harbor (New York) and Miami, among other places.
Since 1989 he has lived in Barcelona, wholly devoted to painting, press illustration (he contributes to El País, the International Herald Tribune, La Vanguardia...) and publishing (Amigos, el Pequeño cuento, La Bíblia...). He also engages in projects like this one to recreate the world of Salvat-Papasseit through images and words, on this occasion in cooperation with pupils from Institut Salvat-Papasseit secondary school in Barcelona.
Biography written in 2012
School Joan Salvat-Papasseit
www.institutsalvatpapasseit.netThe Institut Joan Salvat Papasseit was created in 1979, under the name of "Institut Nacional de Bachillerat Barceloneta". The location of the institute will take advantage of the facilities of the old metallurgical factory "La Maquinista Terrestre i Marítima". The grounds of the old naval factory are also home to the Institut Narcís Monturiol (specialising in chemistry training courses), the Escola Alexandre Galí, the Escola Bressol Municipal la Mar and the Centre d'Educació Ambiental la Fàbrica del Sol. A few metres from the Somorrostro beach, the Salvat Papasseit is also very close to the Barceloneta Civic Centre, the Mediterrània School and the Barcelona Biomedical Research Centre.
Presentation updated in September 2024
Students 4th of ESO:
Claritza Alcántara, Katherine Fernanda Benalcázar, Iman El Antit, Sandy Yareth Ferreira, Ali Khalid, Helen Laurencio, Alexander Mendoza, Jonathan David Naranjo, Nikita Popov, Kevin Salgado, Luis Fernando Tabueña, Andrea Selena Torres, Uzman Uzman, Huber Enrique Vargas and Ronaldo Xavier Vega
Astrid Casadamunt (visual and plastic education teacher and tutor of the course participant), Ester Peretó (secretary of the center and professor of catalan language) and José Antonio Torrecillas (director)
Curation and coordination:
A Bao A Qu Association
Directed by:
Culture Institute of Barcelona
Barcelona Education Consortium