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Perifèria IN RESiDENCE at the School Moisès Broggi

Pau Milla Rodríguez
Social educator and dancer
He was born in Barcelona In June 1982 and graduated in Social Education from the University of Barcelona in 2012, after also studying illustration at the Escola Massana in Barcelona. He has been working on the frontiers and limits of how words are used as a vehicle for communication. In this way, he undertakes an intensive exploration of the field of authentic movement, butoh, contemporary dance, psychoanalysis and Freudo-Marxist trends, social anthropology, post-colonial and de-colonial feminism, Gestalt therapy, traditional Chinese medicine, shiatsu and chiropractic massage. In 2010, he founded the subversive research laboratory Errants, which investigates movement in urban spaces in Barcelona, after having studied with dancers such as Linn Johanssen, Anna Rubirola, David Espinosa, Laura Vilar, Miquel Barcelona, Sebastian Garcia Ferro and Antonella Sampieri, among others. He created the Assemblea de Majaras group —which provides mutual support for people who have been diagnosed, or not, with disorders associated with mental health, arising from the anti-psychiatric experiences of Cooper, Basaglia and others who are critical of formal psychiatry—, and he worked on artistic-intervention projects at the Borda psychiatric hospital in the city of Buenos Aires while he studied contemporary dance at the UNA. He moved to Berlin in order to study the “Dance Intensive Programm” in the Tanzfabrik. On his return, he founded the UnKosQueAprèn dance company, together with Ona Mestre, Encarni Sanchez and Nacho Cárcaba, and took part in Tamara Cubas’ project “Multitud”, as a dancer, in the Sâlmon< Festival.
Since 2012, he has focused his work projects on the child and adolescent protection circuit, having direct contact with mistreated minors in various residential educational-action centres (CRAE) and on educational projects with young people at risk of social exclusion (La Pedrera Foundation - Nou Barris). Recently, he has been combining this with his interest in the potential of body language for research into one's own identity, in relation to others, based on “what defines me?”, “what differentiates me and makes me unique?”, understanding that this process may be traumatic and that it may sometimes require support.
In the same vein, in the last year, he has developed a dance project in a Nou Barris secondary school, from the “Aulas Connectadas” [Connected Classrooms] group, and he has collaborated on the “Five Days To Dance” project by the German company DE-LooPERS
Presentation updated in September 2019
Núria Guiu Sagarra
Dancer and choreographer
She is a dancer and choreographer who graduated from the Institut del Teatre in Barcelona. She is currently an undergraduate in Anthropology and Human Evolution at the UOC and a qualified Iyengar yoga teacher.
As a dancer, her professional career includes work with national companies such as IT Dansa and La Veronal, and international companies that include Cullberg Ballet (SE), Gisele Vienne (FR), Carte Blanche Dance Company (NO), Jasmin Vardimon (GB) and Kobalt Works (BE). Between 2009 and 2010, she was part of the “Kamuyot” project, a piece by the Batsheva Dance Company, aimed at adolescents and presented at various secondary schools from Sweden to Israel over a period of eight months.
As a choreographer, she created La Muda (2012), a group piece that was first performed at Oslo Opera House. In 2014, she created Portal, which was first performed at the Oktoberdans Festival in Bergen and at Sala Hiroshima in Barcelona. SPAM, a short piece selected as a finalist for the 2016 Institut del Teatre Award. Her latest work is Likes, a piece chosen for the European platform Aerowaves 2018 and with an international tour of festivals, including the Fira de Tàrrega 2018, Festival Escena Poblenou 2017, Festival Tercera Setmana de València 18’ and Dansens Hus Oslo.
As a teacher and choreographic assistant, she worked and delivered courses with the choreographer Arco Renz for four years (2012-2016), on projects developed and presented in Asian countries such as Cambodia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Singapore and Korea, and with the French company Gisele Vienne from 2017 to 2018, including shows and courses in places such as Las Naves Matadero in Madrid, the Venice Biennale and the Holland Festival, among others. She has also given classes on contemporary dance techniques at the Institut del Teatre, as guest teacher during the 2017 academic year, and at TragantDansa, Àrea Dansa, nunArt and the Sâlmon Dance Festival. She has also been part of the European artistic-exchange platform Tryangle (Düsseldorf 2012) and Monsoon (Antwerp 2017), a platform for artistic exchange between Asia and Europe.
Perifèria took part in the 2018-2019 “Tot Dansa” [All Dance] project, directed by the choreographer Sònia Gómez; Culturnautes / 2019 CCCB Summer Course (“Totes amb el cos”) and carried out the “Identitat i diferència” [Identity and Difference] project at the IES J. M. Zafra in Barcelona.
Presentation updated in September 2019
School Moisès Broggi
www.institutbroggi.orgAfter residencies by Gerard Guix and Montse Rodríguez, Jaume Pitarch, Big Bouncers and Pau Miró, this will be the fifth time that the Moisès Broggi secondary school (Camp de l’Arpa del Clot, Sant Martí) has taken part in the IN RESiDENCE programme. On this occasion, the school is participating with a group of 2nd year ESO students.
In 2011, Moisès Broggi School began a major transformation of its educational programme, which is based on a project-based approach where art plays a key role. Working in partnership with local and city institutions, such as the MACBA, the Sala Beckett and the Hospital de Sant Pau, among others, lends the school a special dynamism.
Presentation updated in September 2024
Students 2º of ESO
Joan Anglès Araguàs, Clara Bilurbina Freixas, Isaac Byrne, Clàudia Ciuró, Sara Clot Guerrero, Myriam Dessiré Contreras Vega, Maria Díaz Rubio, Aina Donaghy, Daralis Michel Encarnación, Claire Figueras, Diana Jiang, David Jiménez Pallo, Gina LLadó Larreula, Luís Machado, Albert Parés Rasós, Marc Roma, Lia Sanz Marchal, Gustav Serena, Nil Vila Mas, Lena von Helmolt and Chentun Zhuang
Marta Moragues
Curation and coordination
La Poderosa
Directed by
Instituto de Cultura de Barcelona
Consorcio de Educación de Barcelona
Residence tied to Poetry Barcelona 2020