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Raquel Cors i Carlota Grau IN RESiDENCE at the School Joan Fuster

RAQUEL CORS (Barcelona, 1985)
She is studying film directing at the Centre for Film Studies of Catalonia (CECC). She graduated in Stage Direction and Dramaturgy from the Theatre Institute of Barcelona. She is currently developing the stage production Otras, in its research stage with the support of a City of Barcelona Award. She directs the stage creation piece Una at the Espai Lliure in 2020 (selected at Lessingtage 2021 digital: Stories from Europe).
Since 2016, she has collaborated in stage productions as a dramaturgy and director’s assistant and also in the realisation of the audiovisuals. Among others, Tierras del sud by Txalo Toloza and Laida Azkona (Festival TNT 2018 and on an international tour), Una lluita constant by Carlota Subirós with the company La Ruta 40 (Sala Beckett 2018), GRRRLS! by Carlota Subirós (Temporada Alta 2019), El Quadern Daurat by Carlota Subirós (Teatre Lliure 2020), Teatro Amazonas by Txalo Toloza and Laida Azkona (Festival Grec 2020 and on an international tour) and La nit de la iguana by Carlota Subirós (National Theatre of Catalonia 2021).
Since 2006, she has made various documentaries. Highlights include the short film Un dia d’agost (awarded Best Documentary at the international festival Filmets in Badalona 2009) and the feature film Viatjants (selected at DocumentaMadrid 2010 and the Bogotá Film Festival). And she collaborated on the script, filming and editing of the documentary La Granja del Pas (Sílvia Munt 2015. First Prize official documentary section of the Valladolid International Film Week SEMINCI 2015 and nominated at the Gaudí Awards 2016).
Between 2010 and 2019, she was part of the film teaching programme in primary and secondary schools “Cinema en Curs” of the A Bao a Qu Association, holding workshops at various schools in Catalonia and accompanying, to date, the making of four short documentaries and ten short fiction films.
Graduate in Audiovisual Communication from URV/UdL and with a Master's degree in Television Innovation and Quality from UAB, UPF and TV3 specialising in script writing and making of television fiction. She is currently finishing higher studies of Graduate in Stage Direction and Dramaturgy at the Theatre Institute of Barcelona. Recently, she has directed the show Ahir of the company Animal Religion (National Theatre of Catalonia, 2020). She has collaborated as a playwright and director’s assistant on different shows, such as Unexploded Bomb a co-production of the Teatre Principal of Palma de Mallorca (Teatre Principal of Palma, 2021), Fent Cua by Ursa Sekirnik and Joana Serra (Antic Teatre, 2021), Una directed by Raquel Cors (Teatre Lliure, 2020), Reiseführer directed by Ferran Dordal and La Ruta 40 (Teatre Lliure, 2019) Critics Award for best small format show 2019, Nu by the company Animal Religion (Winter Circus at Ateneu Nou Barris, 2018), Si estiguéssim soles a l’Univers seria una gran pèrdua de temps of the collective BigBouncers (Mercat de les Flors, 2019) or Converses amb el meu úter by Núria Planes (Antic Teatre, 2019). She has also been able to participate as a director’s assistant with directors such as Julio Manrique, Moreno Bernardi and Carles Salas. And she has collaborated as a choreographer and movement consultant on theatre productions such as Poema Inacabat by Gabriel Ferrater, directed by Pau Ferran (Teatre Bartrina, 2021). Academically, she has made her own creations such as Wash my soul and Deixar de ser bona persona és fàcil si saps com.
Trained in contemporary dance in Barcelona and an urban dancer, she has been able to collaborate as a performer in audiovisual and stage productions, such as The Spirit of Montmartre (CaixaForum Exhibition, 2018), Sweet Fever by Pere Faura (Antic Teatre, 2016), Les Dones Flors by Carles Sales (Palau Robert, 2015) and El Bucle Blanco by Moreno Bernardi (Sala Hiroshima, 2015), among others. As an audiovisual creator she has made the dance video (parèntesis), a co-creation with the collective Oncogirrrls (2013). Together with Brisa Luque they created the on-line series BigBanc (2010) and she co-directed the dance video La Ballarina (2013), a short film accepted at various European festivals.
Currently, she works as a playwright and director’s assistant on other stage productions.
Presentations updated in September 2021
School Joan Fuster
http://agora.xtec.cat/iesjoanfusterAfter the residences of Iván Morales, En Diciembre, Magda Puig and Carla Farreny and Marta Vilardell, the Joan Fuster Secondary School (Navas, Sant Andreu) participates for the fifth consecutive year in iN RESiDENCE; once again with students from the 2nd year of ESO and reinforcing connections with contemporary creation in performance arts.
The Institut Joan Fuster (Navas, Sant Andreu), created in 1995, is named after one of the most notable Valencian intellectuals of the 20th century. It is housed in the building of the former Col·legi Juan Bosco, next to the church of the same name, designed on Avinguda Meridiana by the architects Ricard Sancho Beltran and Francesc Escudero Ribot in the mid-1970s.
Students from 2nd ESO
Mario Azuar Fernández, Laia Barbarin González, Melanys Cid Pelaez, Alba Leon Gómez, Alejandro Lin Qiu, Cecilia Loza Cossio, Eireen Mcgarry Garry, Danil Moliner Isaac, Madelein Pardo Miranda, Nayan Ramos Ponce, Josué Tarira Guzman, Arnau Zapata Tarrazo, Ängela Zárate Castillo, Fiona Zhu Yang.
Estela Alonso and Anna M. Mallol
Curator and coordination
A Bao A Qu
Barcelona Culture Institute
Barcelona Education Consortium