Roc Esquius IN RESiDENCE at the School Escola Eixample

The first step in sharing my process of creating a play with the students is to explain the steps I follow (finding the idea, looking for an engaging development, appealing characters, etc.). From there, I will try to use their own expressivity and resources, through play and curiosity, to become a means to begin to add material for the work and to put into practice what starts out on a blank page. 

Once the story has been decided, I'm keen to create specific work markers that will allow us to explore ways of working. This means creating games and exercises to meet the needs of the story to make it progress and discover the possibilities that you often have to imagine on your own at home. By doing so, I intend to enrich the work and to polish it to discover its strengths and weaknesses.

This way, by sharing the creative process, I want to discover the best characters, their particularities, their habits and desires, the details of the story, the plot, the tone, etc., depending on how the story is being created and everything that happens in the classroom. It can be a great way to see step by step whether interest is waning in some places and what works best. You could switch off at some point or change your course completely.

All of this can also end up influencing the staging itself, since perhaps in the games and exercises that we create for the play we discover interesting and genuine ways of performing it.