- 14th EDITION 2022 / 2023
- 13th EDITION 2021 / 2022
- 12th EDITION 2020 / 2021
- 11th EDITION 2019 / 2020
- 10th EDITION 2018 / 2019
- 9th EDITION 2017 / 2018
- 8th EDITION 2016 / 2017
- 7th EDITION 2015 / 2016
- 6th EDITION 2014 / 2015
- 5th EDITION 2013 / 2014
- 4th EDITION 2012 / 2013
- 3rd EDITION 2011 / 2012
- 2nd EDITION 2010 / 2011
- 1st EDITION 2009 / 2010
Txalo Toloza i Laida Azkona IN RESiDENCE at the School Pau Claris

Straddling Barcelona, Pamplona and the Atacama Desert, AzkonaToloza are a pair of artists who create stage projects closely connected with the living arts, visual poetry and historical research.
They have been working since 2015 on making stage documentaries that explore the relationship between the new forms of colonialism and barbarism and their link with contemporary culture. To this end, they reclaim contemporary languages, in almost all instances connected with the idea of the here and now, as a tool for rereading official history and for delving into the origins of some of the conflicts taking place today.
They are interested in the reconstruction and contemplation of stage landscapes and their playwriting, which encompasses performance and audiovisual language, positions the action, words and movements of human beings on the periphery of the stage, using them as just another of the tools employed and not placing them centre-stage.
Txalo Toloza-Fernández trained as a video artist in Santiago de Chile and as a stage performer and creator in Barcelona, where he has lived since 1997. In 2005, he set up the MiPrimerDrop AV studio, which specialises in creation for living arts pieces. His hallmark is that he only uses mobile phones to take images. A member of the stage director Roger Bernat’s company, Toloza-Fernández also works regularly with the performer Sònia Gómez.
Laida Azkona Goñi was born in Pamplona and has lived in Barcelona since 2011. She trained as a dancer in London, Austria and New York and since then she has specialised in research, creation and acting in the transdisciplinary performing arts. The director of the Festival Inmediaciones in Pamplona and a co-founder of the Hierba Roja stage collective, she has also worked as a performer for Francesco Scavetta, Juschka Weigel and Noémie Lafrance, among others.
Biography made in 2018
School Pau Claris
iespauclaris.orgThe Institut Pau Claris participated in the sixth edition of IN RESiDENCE (2014-2015), working with Edu Comelles in a residency connected with research into sound and music. It is now participating for the second time with a group of pupils in the fourth year of compulsory secondary education.
The Pau Claris School (Ciutat Vella) is on Passeig de Lluís Companys, next to the Parc de la Ciutadella and the neighbourhoods of Sant Pere, la Ribera and Santa Caterina. The building is part of the Pere Vila School Group, designed by the architect Josep Goday i Casals as part of the educational programme that Catalan political institutions have been implementing since 1917. It was completed during the Second Spanish Republic. The building also contained the Pere Vila School and a third building dedicated to the library and assembly hall.
Presentation updated in September 2024
Students (4th ESO)
Carl Angelo Agliam Obaña, Mar Jason Barba Mendez, William Josue Cruz Dubon, Esmeralda Marcos Irias, Judith Martínez García, Paula Quintanilla Aribó, Bowen Shi, Rhudeen Verazon Andres, Majid AliAslam Ali, Zaira Andrea Cano Salazar, Aleix Duchel Provins, Virginia Mazzarino, Emon Mohamed Ahtasam, Esteisi Octavianna Perez Mendez, Andi Javier Pérez, Geomar Ramos Aquino, Muhammad Shahzaib Shoaib Akhter, Omar Yaser Anguel and Angelis Mendez
Xavier Calvo
Curation and coordination
Antic Teatre
Institut de Cultura de Barcelona
Consorci d’Educació de Barcelona
Residence tied at El Born cultural and memorial center